2.2 Linux Pre-built and MacOS brew Build
This section goes over several installing approaches that, unlike Section 2.3, does not require building from source manually.
Install from conda (for Linux only). Binary package is provided in this approach.
Use homebrew build (for MacOS only). Although there's no binaries for MacOS yet, this approach will build it automatically.
Manually download pre-built Linux binaries (it's not a conda package).
Unlike conda, this approach will not take care of dependency versions (like numpy) for you, and you need to set environment variables manually. So this approach is usually not recomended.
However, this approach does not require network, which may be a reason for choosing it.
Even simpler way to use pre-built Linux binaries.
Setups after installation
Like Section 2.3, there is still something to do after "installation".
- Setup the environment variables of MOKIT itself. Except conda users, all other users need to set that, which is mentioned at the end of each approaches.
- Setup the environment variables of dependencies, like Gaussian, GAMESS, PySCF, etc. Please read Section 2.5 to determine which dependencies are necessary for you and read Section 2.3.4 to set up them.
2.2.1 Online Installation
You can choose option 1 or 2 below. After mokit is successfully installed, if you want GAMESS to be called by automr
, you need to install GAMESS properly and write related environment variables.
Option 1: Install from conda (for Linux only)
This is the easiest way, but network is required to auto-download the requirements (like Intel MKL).
If you have no access to network, but still do not want to compile MOKIT manually, you can try options in Section 2.2.2.
use MOKIT with default channel
Creating a new environment before installing is highly recommended, to avoid changing your base environment.
conda create -n mokit-py39 python=3.9 # 3.8-3.11 are available
conda activate mokit-py39
conda install mokit -c mokit
Each time when you login onto the machine, you need to activate the virtual environment by conda activate mokit-py39
and then you can use MOKIT.
If you have not installed PySCF and you want to install it now, you can choose to
(1) run pip install pyscf
in this virtual environment.
(2) follow the instruction below to install pyscf and MOKIT with conda-forge channel.
Update MOKIT with conda
Usually conda update mokit -c mokit
works. Sometimes it may fail to find the latest version of MOKIT. In this case, a workaround can be
conda uninstall mokit mkl
conda install mokit -c mokit
use MOKIT with conda-forge channel
The MOKIT installed following instructions above, which is from mokit
channel by default, is hardly compatible with conda-forge environment. If you have to enable conda-forge, an alternative way is to install from mokit/label/cf
If you have enabled conda-forge (by conda config --add channels conda-forge
or modifying condarc), you can directly do
conda install mokit -c mokit/label/cf
If not, it's recommended to create an environment first before installing.
conda create -n mokit-cf python=3.9 -c conda-forge # 3.9-3.11 are available
conda activate mokit-cf
conda install mokit -c mokit/label/cf -c conda-forge
When pyscf is also needed, it can be installed in the conda-forge channel at the same time
conda install mokit pyscf -c mokit/label/cf -c conda-forge
or separately
conda install pyscf -c conda-forge
conda install mokit -c mokit/label/cf -c conda-forge
Option 2: Use homebrew-toolchains (for MacOS only)
- Prerequisites:
- You need to install homebrew on your mac
If you are mainland China user, follow brew mirrors help doc to install prerequisites
- A detailed brew-tap install guideline is located in homebrew-mokit github repo
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Release Installation
Assume you will use mokit in a python 3.9 environment (3.8-3.11 are all available)
brew install ansatzx/homebrew-mokit/mokit --with-py39
brew tap ansatzx/homebrew-mokit
brew install mokit --with-py39
However, the release version is not up-to-date, it's highly recommended to install the latest commit.
Latest Commit Installation
Also assume you use mokit in a py-39 environment.
brew install ansatzx/homebrew-mokit/mokit --with-py39 --HEAD
Finally, follow caveats guides, add these commmand in your ~/.zshrc
(or bash/fish etc. profile).
You can run brew info mokit
to check details.
export MOKIT_ROOT="$(brew --prefix mokit)"
Upgrade Mokit
release upgrade
brew update -f
Run the command below if there's a newer mokit release.
brew upgrade mokit # or `brew upgrade ` to upgrade everything
latest commit upgrade
brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD mokit
2.2.2 Pre-built Linux Executables and Libraries
Unlike the conda install approach, using pre-built MOKIT in this subsection do not require network. If you want full functionality of MOKIT, you still need to have necessary dependencies: Python3 environment and NumPy, which can be achieved by anaconda/miniconda (Read here for installing anaconda offline). If you only want part of MOKIT, especially some certain binary utilities, see Section 2.2.3 for a simpler instruction.
After downloading the pre-built artifacts, you need to set the following environment
variables (assuming MOKIT is put in $HOME/software/mokit
) in your ~/.bashrc
export MOKIT_ROOT=$HOME/software/mokit
export GMS=$HOME/software/gamess/rungms
is needed since the OpenBLAS dynamic library is put there.
Remember to modify the GMS
path to suit your local environment.
Note that you need to run source ~/.bashrc
or exit the terminal as well as
re-login, in order to activate newly written environment variables.
How to choose Anaconda Version if installing offline
Installing prebuilt MOKIT offline usually means the user cannot get NumPy with network. So it's important to get a certain version of anaconda which provides proper version of NumPy needed by MOKIT. The recommended versions of anaconda for some prebuilts are listed below (compatible miniconda version is also listed but it does not mean miniconda comes with NumPy). See Anaconda release note for more information.
If your linux kernel is roughly as old as Centos7's, choose the one started with centos7_
Artifacts | Python version | Compatible Anaconda version | Compatible Miniconda version | NumPy version |
centos7_conda_py38 | 3.8 | 2021.05 | py38_4.10.3 | 1.20 |
centos7_conda_py39 | 3.9 | 2022.10 | py39_22.11.1 | 1.21 |
py39_gcc10 | 3.9 | 2022.10 | py39_22.11.1 | 1.21 |
py310_gcc10 | 3.10 | 2023.03 | py310_23.3.1 | 1.23 |
How to download certain version of anaconda?
For example, if you are using TUNA Mirror, you can go to mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/archive/ and find
Anaconda3-[some version]-Linux-x86_64.sh
. The page address is similar in other mirror site, like NJU Mirror.
Detailed Compatibility Note
Artifacts | Compatible OS | Maybe Compatible | Python version | GCC version | NumPy version |
centos7_conda_py38 | Centos 7 | 3.8 | 4.8.5 | 1.20 | |
centos7_conda_py39 | Centos 7 | 3.9 | 4.8.5 | 1.21 | |
py39_gcc10 | Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04 | SUSE 15 | 3.9 | 10.2 | 1.21 |
py310_gcc10 | Debian 11 | Ubuntu 22.04 | 3.10 | 10.2 | 1.23 |
- Do not extract the zip with right-click (like the one in KDE)! Use
in command line. - The artifacts started with 'centos7_conda' need to be used with Anaconda3/Miniconda3, and the rest works with system-provided python (conda is also OK).
- We cannot list every supported linux distribution here, especially those similar to listed ones: Rocky Linux, OpenEuler, etc. More compatibility tests and reports are welcome.
- The GCC and NumPy version listed refer to the version used to compile the artifacts.
- NumPy can be sensitive to version sometimes. Try upgrade (or downgrade) numpy if your python complained about version when
. - The NumPy version for each prebuilt is fixed, because offline anaconda users cannot update anything and have to follow the anaconda version recommendation above. We may switch to newer miniconda image when the current ones are considered too old. The NumPy version for
prebuilts used to be latest but after 1.2.6rc26 they are also fixed.
- NumPy can be sensitive to version sometimes. Try upgrade (or downgrade) numpy if your python complained about version when
2.2.3 Only want frag_guess_wfn
If you do not need full functionality of MOKIT and only want frag_guess_wfn
for generating the input file of various EDA methods (or other binary utilities, like fch2mkl
), the easiest way is to download the pre-compiled MOKIT in Section 2.2.2. There is no need to install Miniconda/Anaconda Python in this case, and no need for conda install
Firstly, download a pre-compiled MOKIT package according to your OS (e.g. CentOS 7), and change the directory name
unzip mokit-master_linux_centos7_conda_py39.zip
rm -f mokit-master_linux_centos7_conda_py39.zip
mv mokit-master_linux_centos7_conda_py39 mokit
Then write proper environment variables in your ~/.bashrc
export MOKIT_ROOT=$HOME/software/mokit
Remember to run source ~/.bashrc
to make the environment variables valid. If you are working on a Cluster(集群) and using a script to submit any computational task, you should write the environment variables into your script.